When parents go through a divorce or separation in the state of Ohio, one of the most important issues they face is who will raise the children. In these cases, the court's primary goal is to ensure the well-being and safety of the children involved. One factor that...
Firm News
How is child custody decided in Ohio?
When you are a parent facing divorce, you know your split will impact your children. You likely also are concerned about what your custody agreement with your ex will look like. You may want to push for sole custody of your children or you may want to share joint...
Not ready to co-parent yet? Take a break from the other parent
You and your future former spouse want to continue to raise your children together and have as much time as possible with them, but right now, you are just too upset to "play nice." Your divorce may not be the messiest around, but you need a break from your soon-to-be...
Have you been accused of drug possession in Ohio?
Life is full of unexpected events. You may have had an idea of certain events that would take place in your life, but you may also have found yourself in situations that you had no intention of facing. For example, you may never have intended to end up under arrest...
Is adopting your stepchild the right move for you?
Marrying someone who already had children was a leap of faith. You may know families that struggle to blend successfully, and stepparents may feel they never fully belong in the life of a stepchild. Your decision to adopt your stepchild is deeply personal, and you...
Do not take accusations of health care fraud lightly
Criminal charges of any kind are no laughing matter. When some people think of individuals who police have taken into custody, they often picture rough-looking parties who fit the stereotypes of people who commit crimes. However, as you now know, anyone could face...
The primary classifications of crimes
Everyone makes mistakes, but some end up reaching the level where law enforcement officers get involved. When that happens, you need to understand what type of charge you face and what the potential penalties are if convicted. The first element you need to consider is...
Is your child at risk of going from delinquent to criminal?
When Ohio residents have children, they may think of the many joyous activities they will get to do with their kids and all the wonderful things they will witness their children accomplish. You may have been among the many parents who had ideas that your child would...
Roadside facts that may affect your freedom
If an Ohio police officer pulls you over, he or she is supposed to have a reason for doing so. Many times, such situations involve a patrol officer with a radar gun who might claim to have clocked you traveling several miles per hour over the posted speed limit. If...
Are you an over-50 Ohio resident considering divorce?
Various age groups often share trends or experiences in common to which most people in the group can relate. For instance, many Ohio residents over the age of 65 relate to one another in terms of retirement issues. Another common factor among those age 50 and beyond...